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CELEBRATE, Disney style!

We continued our 1 year celebration by spending a day at Disneyland! Of course it was a blast and we loved being there together enjoying the happiest place on earth. I am so lucky to have married a man who loves Disneyland as much as I do!
L for Lowry!
Our block with the McIntyre's
I truly ADORE him!
Hard to tell but we were soaked!
My attempt at an "artsy" shot
Chillin at Mickey's
Our new favorite snack @ D-Land
Perfect day!!!!!!!!


  1. How fun! Ryan and I have never been to Disneyland together. I think it's time for a visit!

  2. I LOOOOVE D-land!!! :) your pictures are great, it looks like you guys had so much fun!

  3. You are the cutest thing!:) Looks like so much fun. Talon and I need to go there someday!

  4. Rebecca and Annie, you really need to go when you can, its the BEST!



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