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Mile marker 1!

Yay!!!! We celebrated our one year anniversary on the 29th of August and it could not have been more perfect! We know that Heavenly Father was helping us out because Rob, who has no time off work and works 14 hour days, had a four day weekend, yes a FOUR DAY WEEKEND, the weekend of our anniversary! We had been hoping that we could go to the TEMPLE on our actual anniversary and we did! We went to the beautiful Newport Beach Temple and it was amazing. We are so excited we had the chance to celebrate there! After we went to Corona del Mar beach and enjoyed togo's, sun, people watching and catchin some waves! We called it an early night after eating at Cheesecake Factory in preparation of Disneyland the following day! I am so grateful to be married to a man who is more than I could ever have hoped for. I have had so much fun this first year and am so ready for more! I love my Robby!
Newport Beach Temple
Corona del Mar
Cheesecake Factory


  1. You two are so cute. Congrats on year ONE! Glad you had a fabulous anniversary. It sounded like a ton of fun! And, I loved Rob's face when he opened his iphone. He was giddy!

  2. We always try to do sealings on our anniversary. It's a great tradition!



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