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Are you blessed with awesome in-laws?!

My in-laws are da bomb, for reals. I know lots of people who have such a hard time with their in-laws and I am oh so thankful that I have never once had any difficulties with mine. Janet and Keith leave on the east coast and we obviously live on the west. It makes our visits only happen once or twice a year, sad! We always make the most of our visits with them though! Whenever they come see us it is a given that we take a trip to Disneyland. I'm not sure how I scored Rob, who loves Disneyland AND in-laws who love it as much as I do!!! This last Thanksgiving they came to spend with us and obviously...
...we went to D-land.

During the Christmas season at Disneyland, they have loads of awesome activities for children of all ages! We loved taking some time to slow down and do some fun holiday traditions together. We decorated some Mickey sugar cookies, visited Mrs. Claus and saw Santa's reindeer! Disneyland has so much to offer its visitors. We're planning on doing a Disneyland "tips" post, so be watching for it!

While heading home, back to the desert, we stopped to watch the sunset. Oh how I love you, gorgeous California. 

How do you have fun with your in-laws?!?

1 comment:

  1. I'll be watching for your Disneyland tips post! That place is ca-razy!



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