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The fourth of July

Soooooo much fun!Oh my goodness, I loved every minute of 4th of July in Utah! It was packed with parades, fireworks, food, friends and most importantly RED, WHITE and BLUE everywhere. I love how patriotic a lot of people are in Utah, nice to see. Rob and I got up early and went to Provo to see hot air balloons! Then we managed to get a great spot for the parade. I was like a little kid watching the parade. I loved all the floats, people, balloons and freebies! After the parade we walked through all the booths and looked at things and bought yummy Texas lemonade! We also met up with Parker that day, which was a nice reunion. That afternoon Rob and I went and watched the BYU men's soccer team play followed by the Stadium of Fire fireworks. Sadly I got sick during fireworks and we had to leave early....but all in all, GREAT 4TH!
Waiting for the parade, again my hubby sportin his colors!
BYU float
Real Salt Lake float
Missionary float, MY FAVORITE! 
For Aiden
Good ol' P.E.
Go Cougars


  1. fun!! I'm sad we missed the provo parade, so i'm glad you took pictures! It looks like it was a blast

  2. I have to say that celebrating the Fourth in Utah will be one of the holidays I miss the most. Provo does the best bash! Great pics of you guys and all the floats. Glad you had an awesome time.



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