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Europe 2013 Trdelnik, deliciousness

This yummy treat we found in Prague deserves a post of its own! This sweet pastry is made with rolled dough wrapped around dowels that cooks over this grill thing. Then it is rolled in sugar and you can have other goodies on the inside! I of course went with the sugar rolled nutella one and Rob had the sugar. The best place we found was on the way up to the castle on the left hand side. Delish! 

Rob waiting for ours to be made


  1. I've never had Nutella! I must try it on one of those things. At first I thought that guy in the hat was JIM! haha

    1. Girl, it is delish! Go try some! Hahaha, a Czech Jimbo!

  2. i want one of these more than anything right now...
    holy cow! yummm!



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