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Venice of the East: Tongli

While in Shanghai we took a day trip to Tongli. It is know for its system of canals giving it the nickname of the "Venice of the East". It was really cool and still has a lot of the features from an ancient chinese town. This was one of the highlights for me! 
One of the streets full of vendors
One of the bigger canals

I loved the little empty streets with one or two locals walking around! 
You had to walk single file down this little alley
Like in Venice, I loved all the bridges, so great! 

Traditional wedding event. They carry the bride across the bridge in this thing representing crossing over safely into a new chapter
How great are the Chinese version gondolas?! 

My brother got this awesome shot, so fun! 

Just hangin in the rock garden. There were tons of "rock gardens"
Not my idea of a treat but they are famous for their pig feet....
Trying ordering off this menu...
I loved all the sketch looking food places!


Love my family! 

Nora and Christina, our tour guides! They were so great! 
Typical scene in China, packs of men gambling! 
Love me some coke

Yeah, check out this guys load!!!!
Our hotel ready for spring festival in Shanghai! 


  1. Hello world traveler. Maybe someday I will have traveled a tenth of what you do. Thanks for giving me a glimpse outside of Utah!

  2. What a fun trip, I love seeing all of your pictures. The food pictures are so interesting to see what people in other countries eat. Were you able to find food to eat when you were there?



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