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Cal-i-forn-ia Loooove

We took a fun roadtrip with Damon and Melanie to the bay area. We had so much fun and packed a ton of sights in. It was a great getaway and really was so much fun to show them where we grew up. We went to Monterey, Carmel, Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, San Francisco, an A's game and of course San Jose!
17 mile drive


We just LOVE our Thompsons!
Happily married for 15 years!
Happily married for 3 years, haha!
Jumping pictures of course!

Rob's favorite, The Lone Cypress!

This was HILARIOUS! I can't even explain it! It was super fun but sooo hard!

YUMMY! Clam chowder in bread bowls

My parents are awesome!

Best way to end a day in Santa Cruz
We went to the house Rob grew up in and got to see his name engraved on the cement in the backyard! It was a really neat experience 

My favorite picture!
I can't believe my parents joined in all the fun!

Melanie had read a book about people who survive crazy things, this being one!
LOVE this city!
Lombard street
So tuff....

We got caught in a rainstorm!
Cold but pretty night at the park!
Don't judge....we were freezing!

Miss Maddie!
Testing out Mom's new ride!
I look creepy but check out her socks!
Love her! So sweet and look at that cute hand! Precious thing!


  1. Oh, you've made me so homesick! It looks like you all had a blast and I'm so glad...just homesick!!!

  2. I am jealous! Talon would be too, he really misses that whole Bay area and San Jose. You travel more than anyone I know, for reals! It's awesome!

    Yummm, clam chowder and salt water taffy. You're reminding me of the coast at home in Oregon!



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