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My sista comes to visit!

My sister came to visit a few weeks ago and we had a blast. First of all I have to say what a champ she is! She traveled with my 3 year old nephew and 3 month old niece, ALONE! She really is pretty awesome! We spent the week playing with friends, making fun food, swimming, feeding ducks, going to the park and having adult game nights! It was a fun visit and I was glad to have my brother-in-law come for a few days too! Thanks again sissy! Sista, sista, neva knew how much I missed ya!
maddie and jeni

kalisa loved the baby!
making pizza!
family home evening

flyin at the park
love her!!!!
new best buds
long boarding

poor jared thought he won!
you can tell it was a fun visit!

i converted her to the 44oz

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of the garbage with the Barney's cups in it! Hilarious!



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