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So grateful!

I am so grateful for my sweet husband. He helps to remind me that life is great! We have struggled with not being able to get pregnant and I, at times, have my little breakdowns. He is always there reminding me that our time will come and that we need to be patient and remain faithful in the Lord. I am grateful for the priesthood he holds and the blessing that it is to our family. I am grateful for the reminder of how truly blessed I am to have such a wonderful husband. It gives me such strength to know that although we don't have that sweet child of ours quite yet, we have each other and we have the Lord. We are also blessed with the greatest family in the world! We can't express enough how comforting it is to know people support us. The picture above was taken at the Mesa Temple. One thing that we have been taking advantage of while not having kids is the chance to take little weekend trips! It is always so fun to get away with my man! We love going to the temple and this last trip we were able to go with our faves, the Thompsons, more on that trip later! 


  1. Thanks for just being you. Really.

    Such a pretty photo of such fabulous future parents. I agree...take advantage all you can because it's a lot harder to get to the temple afterwards (let alone a date or weekend trip).

  2. I see such maturity and strength in you both. I know that with the Lord all things are possible but sometimes we just want them to happen a tad bit faster. ;) I'm so glad you have each other and can find solace in the temple. You guys are amazing examples!



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