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Patiently waiting... become parents. Rob and I so badly want a sweet sweet angel baby to love and raise on this earth. We know it will come and that is NOT a question. It is just really hard and even sad sometimes. We are very strong in our faith and know that Heavenly Father has a plan! He has the perfect little spirit picked out for our family and is not quite ready to send them to us yet! We don't know why such a righteous desire has not yet been granted to us but we have faith that He does! Heavenly Father wants us to wait and so we will! In the meantime, we are taking full advantage of life with just the two of us. We have lots of time for us and love our ability to be super spontaneous. I know that when it happens, life will completely change (although I know we will still have a clean house, contrary to what everyone tells us!)! Please don't take this as "poor me" post, but more of a grateful post! Grateful for our marriage and our wonderful supportive family and friends. We have a fantastic life and have been blessed beyond belief.


  1. Oh my Tay Tay.... I sure LOVE you! I could use some of your positivity! You guys are great and I know you will be great parents someday. Now if we could just get Leroy to come here with you, ya'll could take advantage of the Fertility STatue in our guest bedroom! :)

  2. You're right.... the perfect spirit IS waiting for you!!! :) You're so strong, I'm so sorry for this trial. All I can say is, your children are going to be so lucky- you will be THE best parents!!

  3. May 2010 Ensign, Pres. Uchtdorf's talk - "Continue in Patience." One of my FAVS! Heavenly Father DOES know us & He DOES have a plan. I love you, Tay-Tay! I'm glad you & Rob found each other - you are two of my favorites & I can't think of a more perfect couple. Love you both!

  4. Oh, Danee, I know this wasn't a sympathy post, but my heart truly aches for you guys. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine how difficult this trial is for you, but I've been very impressed with your faithfulness. You and Rob are going to be marvelous parents! You're always in our thoughts and prayers. We love and miss you guys so much! xoxoxo

  5. I can't wait for you to be a mama! I definitely think you'll still have a clean house=)

  6. Oh goodness...I know exactly how it feels to wait. I wasn't so patient though. No doubt you will be the most beautiful mother. After years of waiting, it turns out we had our Eliot at the perfect time. Job, life...everything. Your little man or lady is just getting ready to come to earth.

    Sending patience strength your way. xoxo

  7. You will be great parents. No doubts about that. I have so many close friends that are struggling with the same desire that has yet to be granted. I'm so happy that your faith hasn't changed. It will come. You're in our prayers.

  8. Oh sweetie. It WILL come! And you will be the most WONDERFUL mama this world has to offer your sweet little angel. It's so hard to wait. But when that baby comes, you will love it all the more because of all the love and time it took to get him/her there. What a great attitude you have - that is wonderful. You are a true inspiration! I wish I'd had your encouragement and example of faith when we were waiting for little Eli. It's hard to understand the Lord's timeline sometimes...but when that baby does come into your arms and your hearts, it will be the perfect timing.

    Love you!



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