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Good Things to Come

I love Elder Holland and I love this message. Its just the reminder I needed! I have moments when I freak out a little and things like this quickly make me feel better. Most of you know how eager we are to start our family without any luck just yet. We know that blessing will come. We are grateful for the many other blessings in our lives and this message reminds us, good things are to come!


  1. Brian and I have a really good friend that had a difficult time getting pregnant. It took 2 years and she had a really hard time with it. After having the baby she realized that she was so grateful that she had that extra time with her husband n that she wouldn't change things of she could. Don't know if that helps. Best of luck n things will all work out somehow:)

  2. Hey you - I will remember to keep you in my prayers. That is definitely a hard thing to wait for, I understand wanting nothing more than to hear the great news that you are pregnant, and finally become a family. We're starting round 2 for the next kiddo, and in the same boat (just between you and me - I think I'm safe commenting on an old post on your blog :). Love you!



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