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Happy Birthday to me!

I had a fantastic birthday this year! Rob had to be in Phoenix for work so we decided to make a weekend out of it. We had a blast with the Mcgraths as always, they are fantastic hosts! We went to hobby lobby, my absolute favorite, enjoyed sonic, shopped and had a fun dinner at Benihana! Matt celebrated with us too but the guy who took the picture cut him out:(
Love that girl!
Cindi having fun!
My birthday treat!


  1. Looks like so much fun! I am so sad that we couldn't be there! I'm glad it was such a great birthday for you!

  2. Hahahaha!!! I'm dying that he cut Matt out of the shot! It was so fun having you guys and thank you for including us in your celebration!!

  3. Happy Birthday Tay Tay! Sending some love from CA!

  4. I'm so glad you had so much fun on your b-day! Wish we could have been there to celebrate with you. BTW, your Valentine's spread looked pretty yummy. Sure miss you guys!!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Glad you got to spend it with the funniest midgets I know!



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