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We'll be here!!!!

In just a few months, 2 1/2 to be exact, the three of us...
Will be here....
and here.....
and here.....
and here.....
and here....
and here....
We cannot wait! We are so excited!


  1. awesome!!! i'm so envious! that will be an amazing trip. can't wait to see tonz of pictures! have a blast!

  2. So exciting!!! Can't wait for you guys! Wish I could go!

    I was just thinking that maybe Rob was playing sick so we couldn't go to Hobby Lobby! It's a Conspiracy!!!

  3. That will be so much fun! We want to go to Europe next but it probably wont be for a few years. You'll have to tell us your favorite places!

  4. So Jealous! Italy is my favorite (so far). Enjoy! Can't wait to see your "blog report!" Love you.



design + development by fabulous k